Peace, Dawah And Development

Area 1: Contributing to Development Agendas
Through capacity building and advocacy within member states AFMC looks at program activities aimed at attaining African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and other global development agendas.

Area 2: Diplomacy 
Advocacy to contribute to policy and international relations as well as interventions in specific emerging issues.

Area 3: Migration and Human trafficking
Support member states to address human trafficking emergencies across the continent.

Area 4: Democracy and Good Governance
Support member to restructure, contribute to national and continental issues while addressing; electoral structures that emphasis democracy, great level of accountability on the part of the leaders, fighting corruption at all levels of leadership and ensuring supreme councils participation in formulation of central government policies and practices

Area 5: Leadership Development for Self-Sustainability
Capacity building at national level intended to build institutional and individual abilities towards accountability and transparency.

Area 5: Peace, Justice and Conflict Resolution
Addressing insecurities all over Africa especially religious extremism among other emerging security issues, post war conflicts, human rights and justice.

Area 6: Partnerships for Development
We look at creating and strengthening existing partnerships for growth among the member countries and internationally as well as inter-religious engagements such as interfaith dialogue.

Area 7: Promotion of Regional Clergy Networks
Promote the formation of working inter-religious councils within the member states and beyond.

Area 8: Clergy Exposure through Training and Internship Programs
Capacity building and networking for Muslim sheikhs, scholars and leaders and promote learning experiences from their different regions.

Area 9: Formulation, Publication and Dissemination of Islamic Literature
Mobilizing for resources for materials that spread the teachings of Islam and make publication for Muslim scholars among others.